Many of us know the general path that our ancestors took as they moved across the mountains, lakes, rivers and plains of the United States and Canada (and beyond). However, although we know our lineage, we don't know where all of our ancestors are buried. Thus, the purpose of this project is to collect, and collate, the location of Harlow burials in public and private cemeteries.

This is a long term project, which in many respects is a never-ending project. Some of the information obtained will be based on visual inspection. Some will be based on written compilations found in libraries and other sources, with full attribution given to those sources. Where photographs are of assistance and available, they will be included.
No attempt has been made to correlate any of the tombstones or markers with any specific Harlow line. We leave that to you to explore.
If you know where your Harlows are buried, and can contribute what is contained on their tombstone to this project, please provide that information to us in a Microsoft Word or Microsoft Word convertible file. Photos should be in the JPEG format to facilitate adoption on our website. Please do not scan works from other sources without full attribution. It is likely that we will need to obtain written permission to place published sources on our website, even with attribution.
Your contributions are welcome.
Susan Moritz
Chairperson of the Harlow Cemetery Project

Photo, left, submitted by:
David Powell (Life Member #432) My grandfather and grandmother (Albert P. Harlow & Jessie N. Harlow) and my uncle and aunt (Jack R. Harlow & Gwen Harlow).
Amherst Cemetery -
Amherst, Nova Scotia, Canada
Photo, right, submitted by Winfield Scott Harlow - HFA Genealogist (Life Member #384) My grandfather and my namesake. He was named for his father's* commanding officer, General Winfield Scott Hancock, in the Civil War.
(*) James Allen Harlow, 20th Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry Lakewood Cemetery - Warwick, Rhode Island